Your Dollar is Worth More Today!

Money Invested Today is Worth More Than Tomorrow Due to Compound Returns.

Key Points

  • While jumping into the market can be intimidating and can lead to shorter term losses, it is important to remember that you have a long time horizon and over time staying invested works.
  • We don’t recommend throwing all of your cash at a single investment and all at once, but rather be strategic.
  • Investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks or a passive fund gives investors broad exposure to the market and over time will grow your investment.
  • The Time Value of Money(TVM) is the opportunity cost of NOT investing and this is why Your Dollar is Worth More Today. 

What are some of the advantages of investing sooner rather than later?

Let us dive into it here and see why maybe you should get started with just even the S&P 500. There is a reason here at GenVest we call it The Mighty S&P.

  • Hedging Against Inflation
    • Your idle cash just sitting there will rot away in time not growing or earning you greater purchasing power. Invest it! This will protect you from the inflation monster and ensure your dollars are worth more in the future to buy more of those things you like and improve your personal wealth to retire.
  • The Wonders of Compound Return
    • How does investing stick it to inflation? Through the work of compound returns overtime to grow your principal. It has been dubbed by many notorious investors as one of the great wonders of the investment world.
  • You’re As Good as The Pros
    • You might be saying to yourself “how can this be possible”? Most fund managers actually do not outperform the S&P 500 and there are numerous cases of retail investors (you) making smart stock selections.

      Believe it or not, you already hold enough knowledge to make solid investments decisions and manage your own portfolio.

Getting started with the S&P 500 is a simple and effective way to get started.