Be Macro-Minded for Macro-Returns

Your College Econ & Business Courses Might Be of Use After All

Do you feel like you tend to have a strong grasp of the U.S. economy or even the global economy? Maybe the intense work of finance(number crunching) is not your speciality but you do remember some concepts from that Econ 101 course you took in college.  

If you do, then why not try and increase your personal wealth by investing in the economy through The Mighty S&P 500 or into a few sectors at times along with the S&P 500 in your portfolio. If you understand where business trends are headed on a macro level then there is a good chance an ETF already exists to capture it.  

GenVest QuickTake

While selecting individual stocks that you think can grow through personal research is encouraged, it is time consuming and not for all investors. Instead, focus on looking at various indicators in the economy and specific sectors you think are poised to increase in value.

In some instances a sector may be beaten down for a good reason, but sometimes it is just a temporary market correction and you should think to Be Bold When Others are Fearful. Likewise, maybe a new business trend is emerging and you want to gain exposure to it or perhaps there is positive news regarding consumer confidence making consumer cyclical/discretionary an interesting place to invest.  

If you are macro-minded when it comes to the economy and understand some basic business cycles or where dollars are going to be spent moving forward, put it to work by creating an ETF Portfolio and Be in the Right Sector.  The ETF just might be the hottest thing in investing since sliced bread.