Mission and Values

With backgrounds in the financial industry, we often find ourselves in situations providing investment opinions to peers puzzled by industry jargon ultimately discouraging them from investing and leading them to believe they could never do it themselves. 

Therefore, we embarked to establish this platform with one primary mission in mind. Our mission is to simplify the investing process in the financial industry through enjoyable, informative content to empower investors the right way. By right way we mean wise and disciplined investors with a long-term strategy, not day traders.  

We believe young, talented professionals should have access to a source which will help them understand the simplicity of investing and encourage them to gain confidence in taking control of their financial future. While the process involves an educational journey, the industry purposefully wants you to believe you are incapable of doing this. That is why they make it difficult to understand when it should not be. 

With this being said, it is critical for all to understand the power of a dollar invested today versus a dollar invested tomorrow and Genvest is committed to helping you get started today.

Our values are deeply rooted in Three Primary Principles.

TRUST: Strong relationships are built upon trust and earning the trust of our audiences and those who seek us for advice is not only a priority for us, it is an ethical responsibility.

HONESTY: Trust can only be solidified when there is full and transparent honesty. Genvest will only give our honest opinions which stems from a diligent, deductive approach in order to help you make investment decisions. Any post published by our team is an honest conclusion of our analysis and reflects our investment philosophy.

CHANGE: Genvest aims to help you understand the power of your dollar invested today and the impact it will have on your financial future. This is accomplished by investing in financially sound, well run companies who strive to create change by constantly providing valuable products and services meeting consumer demands. As the Next GENeration of InVESTors, your dollar can help these growing companies and allow for you to increase your personal wealth as well.

Investors Should Ask Themselves if their Portfolio is Diversified.

Why Portfolio Diversification Is Important

Diversification is a word that is talked about frequently in investment circles and among those just getting started. This a word that shouldn’t scare anyone but can take on many different meanings and levels when constructing your portfolio.

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