Investing Basics

Investors Should Ask Themselves if their Portfolio is Diversified.

Why Portfolio Diversification Is Important

Diversification is a word that is talked about frequently in investment circles and among those just getting started. This a word that shouldn’t scare anyone but can take on many different meanings and levels when constructing your portfolio.

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S&P 500 Index Funds provide indirect ownership for the 500 largest publicly traded companies.

What is the S&P 500?

The S&P 500, or just S&P measures the stock performance for 500 of the largest publicly traded US companies across various industries. It is widely recognized as the standard benchmark and gives a strong indication on the health of the U.S. stock market.

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The easiest way to get started is opening up an account and investing in some sort of passive index fund such as the S&P 500 and letting it begin compounding.

Where to Start With Investing?

Many young professionals who are interested in investing their own money are troubled by the idea of where to start. With thousands of stocks and various other investment products to choose from, we can understand why investing may be daunting.

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Investors Should Ask Themselves if their Portfolio is Diversified.

Why Portfolio Diversification Is Important

Diversification is a word that is talked about frequently in investment circles and among those just getting started. This a word that shouldn’t scare anyone but can take on many different meanings and levels when constructing your portfolio.

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