What is the Income Statement?
The income statement similar to the balance sheet statement helps investors with analyzing the operating strength of a company which helps to further solidify the financial health of a company.
The income statement similar to the balance sheet statement helps investors with analyzing the operating strength of a company which helps to further solidify the financial health of a company.
The balance sheet is a statement giving insight into the financial health of a company by allowing investors to calculate various ratios based on assets, liabilities and shareholder’s equity.
A bear market is the exact opposite of a bull market(increase in equity market values) where market prices decline by 20% or more for a prolonged period of time.
A market correction is when there is a value decline of 10% or more in the market as a whole or in an individual security/sector.
A dividend is a portion of a company’s earnings paid directly in the form of cash to eligible shareholders. These payments can be monthly, quarterly, or annually and all decisions in regards to dividends are controlled by the board of directors for a publicly traded company.
Volatility is a technical measure of the change of returns for a particular asset or market index. It is a means where big swings in either direction are statistically captured when it comes to the asset or index in question.
The Dividend Payout Ratio(Payout Ratio) is a metric used by analysts to capture the portion of net income paid to common stockholders in the form of cash payments.
Inflation in economics is a relatively simple concept and represents the upward movement in the overall price of goods and services within the economy.
Fixed income is another term used to describe bonds and is considered to be one of the more secure investments one can make.
The dividend yield is a financial ratio capturing what a company pays out each year in dividends in relation to their stock price.
Diversification is a word that is talked about frequently in investment circles and among those just getting started. This a word that shouldn’t scare anyone but can take on many different meanings and levels when constructing your portfolio.
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